Tuesday, 6 May 2014

When you try to take 'Behind the Scenes' photos of the crew

When you realise you haven't finalised the Adstream order and it's the day before the on air date

When you ask if any Prod Asses are free to go wardrobe shopping
When the director says that we're just gonna do one more take.

When you get to the shoot location early and avoid talking to the other crew members until is absolutely necessary
When the director sends you a treatment with loads of spelling mistakes
When you get the go-ahead for a shoot abroad
When 'a decision has to be made about the colour of the hero envelope' and you're caught in the middle of the debate between the creative agency and the client
When you tell the Producer that none of our usual editors are free and that we'll have to try someone new for their client attended online

When you finally start getting on with the client

When we clearly present the best idea but the client decides to go with a different production company

When the Producer hears someone say 'Oh no!' on set
When the Producer is away the day of their edit and has to entrust it to an Ass Prod

When the extras complain about anything on set

When you check the weather the day before the shoot and it forecasts 'heavy rain'

When Nadia gets the rumble stiltskins when the room is really quiet